Sunday, July 4, 2010

first time for everything

I think I've decided I might enjoy blogging. Maybe it's because I'm getting tired of facebook, but still want to be connected somehow to friends online...who knows. This weekend Darren went with me to pick out some containers and flowers for the back yard! It was fun. Now if only I can manage to keep them alive so he'll let me get more in the future!

Here's the kitty that we've been feeding in return for her keeping the nasty rat away.

Some of my flowers and the wild life watering hole
I have to figure out what small tree will work best in the large green container

The rosemary and chives I dug up and transplanted from a failed attempt at gardening earlier this year. Maybe they will have a brighter future here :)

I'm so thankful to have a day off work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll feel rejuvenated and ready to hit the ground running again. No plans yet, but maybe Darren and I can find something to do. If anything, maybe I'll take a nap. I've been missing those!


  1. Welcome to the blogging community! I think that napping tomorrow sounds like a GREAT plan. :) Love you dear and hope all is well!

  2. Yay! I just screamed at Darren "I have a follower!" LOL. Love you my sweets and miss you lots.

  3. You have a blog!! :) Love all the pots...very pretty!
